Hall – the building of Unibet Arena with the premises located therein (excl office of hall administration) and outdoor areas located around the building.
Hall administration – persons working in the company administering Unibet Arena.
Visitor – the person staying in the hall for the purpose of visiting the event.
Event – business, sports and entertainment event conducted by the organizer in the hall.
Organizer of event – physical or legal person who organizes the event or on whose initiative this will be conducted.
Internal rules – rules valid in the hall as private possession.
The hall is open for visitors only during the event according to the times established by the organizer of the event.
The organizer of the event has the right to establish additional, freely chosen terms for the entrance of the visitors of event to the hall besides the terms provided in the internal rules. Such terms could be the existence of the document certifying the right of entrance (ticket, invitation etc), age limit etc.
Security control:
There is a security control in the entrance of the hall, in the course of which the security employee(s) has(have) the right to perform the inspection of the belongings (incl contents of bags, pockets etc) in the possession of the persons requiring to enter. The persons refusing from the security control are not allowed to the hall.
Prohibited objects:
No persons (incl visitors) can enter the hall with the following objects:
- Professional photo, video and sound recording equipment (excl in case of existence of general and/or personal special permit issued by the organizer of event);
- Foodstuff (incl alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks), ex. for health reasons, including babyfood;
- Bottles and mugs with a closable lid or cap (e.g. thermos, sports or other reusable containers);
- Glasses and glassware;
- Narcotic, pyrotechnical, flammable, poisonous, radioactive, staining, strong-smelling and other substances of unclear composition;
- Cold steel and firearms;
- Animals and birds.
Unibet Arena and the Organizer have the right to add additional prohibited items depending on the event. Additional information can be found on the Event's website and social media.
The hall is not obliged to store the prohibited objects.
Prohibited activities:
No person (incl visitors) is allowed to perform the following activities in the hall:
- Smoking;
- Creating of open fire and use of any pyrotechnical and explosive devices;
- Stay in the hall strongly intoxicated;
- Moving from the VIP area, restaurant, skybox floor and other private areas to the audience area with glass and/or porcelain dishes;
- Behave incorrectly and disturb other visitors;
- Provision of catering service, incl preparing food, offer, serving and selling of taken along foodstuff (incl drinks);
- Unreasonable pushing of the fire alarm button. The latter causes false alarm, the involved penalties should be paid by the person having caused the alarm;
- Unreasonable opening of the locked doors from quick closing bolt. The latter causes false alarm, the involved penalties should be paid by the person having caused the alarm;
Moving in the hall:
Moving in the hall during the event is allowed only provided this is not disturbing the course of the event and/or other visitors. The hall administration and organizer of event have the right to restrict the entering, leaving and moving of the visitors around the hall during the event. The hall administration and organizer of event have the right to restrict the movement of the visitor outside the level where his/her seat is located for following the event (incl the seat fixed on the ticket or the seat set before by the organizer of the event).
Parking lot and parking:
The hall owns about 400-place parking lot, the usage terms of which for the visitors are set by the hall administration separately per each event. Depending on the peculiarity and scope of the event the parking lot could be partly or fully closed for the visitors and /or chargeable.
The hall has up to 8 mobile cloakroom points with the capacity of up to 4000 overcoats. Depending on the peculiarity and scope of the event the cloakroom points could be partly or fully closed and /or chargeable for the visitors. In the latter case the amount of regular fee is 2 euro/ one overcoat. The partner of hall administration in provision of cloakroom service is TM Produktsiooni OÜ who has the right to make changes in the amount of fee.
- The hall administration and its authorized persons have the right to check the withholding from the requirements of current internal rules. In case of ignoring the mentioned requirements the performer of control has the right to send the ignorer of requirements out of the hall, thereby the ignorer of the requirements has no right to submit any financial claims for any reasons.
- The hall has video surveillance.
- The hall administration has the right to establish any additional temporary requirements and restrictions if these result from the organizational peculiarities of the specific event.
- The hall administration is not liable for the belongings left unattended. The objects found after the event are kept in the office of the administration 1 week from the date of the event.
- The hall administration is not liable for any problem related to the content or organization of the event (incl changes, cancellations, failures, spread of event-related, but misleading information etc). The organizer of the event is the only responsible person of all above provided liability.